Protect Your Pets: How to Detect Symptoms of Dog Ear Infection

In contrast to human ears, dog ears have a different physiological design. Dogs have a long ear canal divided into two areas, one vertical and one horizontal. Creating a J or L form retains debris quicker, contributing to dog ear infections.

Signs of Ear Infection in Dogs

Dogs are prone to common ear infections. And remember, if your dog has itchy ears, you aren’t the only one that will be stressed. Listening to them scratching and shaking their head all night can keep you awake during the night. Additionally, you can use this guide to understand how to detect the signs and symptoms of canine ear infections to get your dog to the veterinarian asap.

Smelly Odor From the Ear

Dogs with moderate to severe chronic ear infections may have a smell from their ears. Nonetheless, this odor might start from the outer ear, but it will most likely come from deep within. Even if you do not put in any effort, you might be able to find its scent.

This is an indicator that your dog’s ear is infected with germs. The bacteria in your dog’s ear will increase, and the odor will intensify as the infection spreads.

Swelling and Redness of the Ear

Your dog’s ear will swell and get red as the infection advances from mild to moderate. In some cases, you can see this through the ear’s outer shell; in other cases, you need to peek inside. The sooner you treat your dog for this health problem, the better off they will be.

If your dog’s ear is red and inflamed, it’s best not to disturb it too much while in this state. You’ll need to give your dog ear drops or allergy serum from a vet, but you should wait for the ear to heal so that your dog does not get aggressive due to the discomfort. You can visit this web page if you are looking for a vet to help you with this condition.

Head Tilting

Another classic symptom of an ear infection is a dog’s tendency to lean its head back. Dogs with infected ears hold their heads in a more forward position, just like kids do. Although this might look lovable, if your dog does this all the time, it might suggest a hidden issue.

As a result of an ear infection, dogs bend their heads to soothe some of the pressure in their ears. Allergies regularly create ear infections. Serum Allergy Testing for Pets must be considered if your dog has had multiple ear infections.

Oozing From the Ear

Oozing from your dog’s ear can be a sign that they have an ear infection. Wax and pus are the most common components of this oozing; other materials might also be present. Dogs with floppy ears may not see this oozing as much as dogs with small ears or ears that stand up.

The veterinarian specializing in biopsies and mass removals services must be spoken with if your dog’s ears are leaking. Most commonly, ear infections are the root cause, but they can often indicate more serious ear problems, such as tumors.


Contact the vet to discuss long-term treatment solutions if your dog struggles with frequent ear infections. To keep your dog’s ears without unwanted hair, trim them regularly when grooming. Additionally, a yearly check-up is an essential part of stopping this condition.